quite a common statement this was for the farmers yet a brilliant unravelling to the urban robot....one must question who is living in the past....odds will always controls the trends...
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Odds and (Tr)ends 70% (Whole Numbers to be Used by Fads)
And as it found itself within and realized the irony of what had occurred, a diversion was needed:
"its not all about self indulgence and market share - odds are there are more fruitful applications!" declared the iPod to the village of farmers.
Odds and (Tr)ends 6.0 (% only to be used with Odds)
these special folks are few and far between, their standards deviate from the norm and they mingle in the long tail yet blast the greatest impacts
hence the rule of scarcity and value
Odds and (Tr)ends 50%
And the ones that truly stand apart with purpose but no arrogance are the ones with the strongest ability to create the noise.
As the perplexed from within look out, they mimic their paths in their own silent (almost microscopic) ways.... for all brilliance is inherently appreciated. The fresh inquisitive eyes from out far smile as they never wander beyond the invisible.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Odds and (Tr)ends 4.0
the intrigue of trend
can spell your end
let's think about the odds of being the statistic, the one everyone thought was a little odd....
chew on this my friends
Monday, April 12, 2010
Odds and (Tr)ends 30%
Stop Go I Don't Know
The odds scare you away but the trends invite you back in.
Reverse flow does impact within.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Odds and (Tr)ends 1.0
- 9 out of 10 Attempts FAIL
- 73% believe they know everything
- Those who want more are charted on an upstairs staircase
- Curious tendencies have lost 120 basis points
- We are 100% trending towards oblivion
- We are on to the numbers (majority rules)
- The numbers are on to us (minority rules)
- Trends say all current odds have 50/50 accuracy
God vs. Science 10:9
10:9 The Parable That Confounds
.......and the silence washed over us as the doubt set in along side the overarching angles of hope.
The roars of our decided inconclusions grew as they realized the impact on future generations that haven't yet found their letter in the alphabet.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
God vs. Science 10.5
whether it be the pigeons' designs in nature, the mouses' well-tread path to its dug up home or the catipillar's close minded cacoon...we each must blaze trails of belief that satisfy our own self-decided fundamental truths
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
God vs Science 10.0
A putty a piece to do with at will.
10.0 Commandments and 10.0 Theorems on the way to mingle with mixers of thought and creation.
(Wanton extravagant holes created by pigeons shed a tear.)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
God vs. Science 9.0
the screenplay of life is fraught with questions
no matter the speaker or the writer
our realities and the creators of our realities are
delights of our own fancy
Monday, April 5, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
God vs. Science 8.0
...a debatable states of affairs we are intertwined with - a playground for the curious...
Enter in the subject(ives) and usher out the object(ives) {after the BIG BANG of course}. But as the state crumbles under own accounts and hard coded numbers of Pi..the subjects could very well see a silver peaceful night reflected in the pearly gates (Before or after waking up)
Saturday, April 3, 2010
God vs. Science 7.0
HE is only 1 of many profound inconclusions in this existance, some are man made others...mysteriously made...
Thursday, April 1, 2010
God with Science 6.0
A definition that is found only on the foundation of the subtexts from which it was built, which equivocally ends up becoming a circular reference. Beautiful? Could Be. Logical? Irrational Question. Misused? Definite Flaw
Science: Use 'Him' and you have already begun to define. But yes He is a profound inconclusion.God: Or a conclusion that was simply found?
Laymen: Wait does that mean this blog is named after....?
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
God vs. Science 5.0
how fetching a response yet highly unsatisfactory...isn't that the way of those who attempt to define Him?
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
God vs. Science Round 4.0
God: "I would like to feel ...but the mechanisms are all wrong."
Science: "God (dammit)! I am 50% sure you mixed up our quotes again..."
Monday, March 29, 2010
God vs. Science 3.0
Nothing short of human limitations for brain capacity and stress packed to-do's have resulted in this hiccup of thought...Lo Siento.
Back to the task at hand....and it will be short:
The only difference between humans and robots is questions.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
God vs. Science 2.0
Wonder and amazement alongside binary theories of plausible data. Both so intertwined yet so divergent...
Explaining what we can and filling what we can't with whatever make us feel good. (Those leftover gaps always bothered the puzzlemakers)
We seem intent to account for all the answers but who is serving up the needed questions?
Friday, March 26, 2010
God vs. Science 1.0
osmosis is the process by which...
a caterpillar cacoons before it becomes...
a tadpole turns into a....
when the vast ocean lies before you and you lose your breath
when a mountain peak is under your feet and you are dizzy with awe
when you see a bee busy at work you are overtaken, mesmerized
Thursday, March 25, 2010
A Beginnings End 10.0
...seems it as is nothing...
And behold! The world is but as you see it. Defined and owned. That much you can control..
White space with no footprints along a riverside of potential states.
We have cast out and begun and it is wonderful. Exponential opportunities discovered along the way.
Now please excuse me as I go refresh.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
A Switch in Direction 8.0
a creature that is trite may have great might
a creature that is massive may be rather passive
what looks like the world to me may just be my hole in the ground
nothing is as it seems...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
A Switch in Direction 7.0
A perfect e.g.
Note all that is asked for is to light the carnival (on fire).
You may want a break but what's needed is a breakthrough.
Monday, March 22, 2010
A New Beginnning 6.0
The fight is uphill when life's habits are ingrained in your subconcious. Breaking a bad habit means facing an imperfection. A dreaded yet necessary task, to turn the tide of a perpetual sum of errors piled so high into a hole so deep.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
A New Beginning 5.1111111
And in this truth we find a reason to not repeat predictability and fight for a new existence defined by each piece we have chosen to expose.
Whoever can read this has been granted a fresh start
A New Beginning 2.0
The point zero is meaningless in the flow of events, proof can be found in the:
where linear thought falls by the wayside and every point is critical for survival
Friday, March 19, 2010
A New Beginning 1.0
Refresh again into once point zero. Begin again and accept the expectation that there are none. You find yourself in the alphabetized dictionary of life and realize your initals are there above a blank slate of (realized?) opportunity.
Where does it go from here?
A New Beginning 4.0
hold yourself in the embrace of now, in the tick tocking of the present,
we can now resume the wayward tangent of life
Thursday, March 18, 2010
A New Beginning 3.0
In a racing mind, I lost my change but came back to terms with it mid-summersault . The whirlwind of it caught me by surprise.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
A New Beginning 2.0
so fresh...so supple
like a drop of dew before the first light
endless possibilities
Monday, March 15, 2010
A New Beginning 1.0
New surroundings and new worlds to conquer. Fear and excitement deciding to intermingle. A realization that weekends don't always have to be the same.
Cast off to a new beginning and discuss possibilities along the way.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Its Your Calling! LAST.0
a pause of appreciation
a moment of delineation
one thing left to do
and that is to bid adieu
the message was sent and received
on to the next....
a moment of delineation
one thing left to do
and that is to bid adieu
the message was sent and received
on to the next....
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Its Your Calling! 7.0
A short gasp and a quiet break to grasp what was said before it wanes in the wind (like a firefly in the still of the night.)
An opportunity from the unlikeliest source deserves a respective response.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
It's My Calling! 5.9
"when it calls answer it or die trying" - said the field mouse to the homing pigeon
Its My Calling! 3+
Hearsay: Freshfaced youth! Innundated truths! A calling of sorts - an initial test based on the new spectrum. What have we here on Sunday rituals? Motivational speeches do beseech you - Dr. Phil has layed the groundwork down.
Relax and lay a burden down as we prepare to devour the concept that perception alone is nothing. However - combine perception with expectations, and you have an unmovable force that allows limits to become boundless.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
It's My Calling! 3.0
Sweat, exertion, relentless pursuit!
Natural accompaniments to one pursuing their passion, their calling
The journey = life and the clear path to one's calling = inner peace
Perfect balance between what we are and what we want to be.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Its My Calling! 2.0
Like the beckoned call of what's already happened - its my calling!
Like ThefallofBritneyslocks and the riseofsocietyscreditcrisis - Its my calling!
In belief and in eventual action (don't we always penetrate that feel?) I will feel the power and evolve the blueprint that doesn't even exist. With a head raised high and arms at attentions glare, I will take the stage and pay no heed to the role that was cast; but take charge of the production itself!
'Magnificent stroll through the park' I will say, as I begin to
Monday, March 8, 2010
It's Your Calling! 1.0
When the root of you supports it, when the essence of your identity screams it, when your body responds to its visual representation, when your world seems useless without it...that how you know...
It's Your Calling!
It's Your Calling!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Does It Really Even Matter? 10.0
Which leads me to believe we have travelled around and through the premises and landmarks of this question thoroughly enough to conclude:
- Routes are undefined and although they can be indirect, exploratory expeditions can only add to the final destination
- Self restraint can beleaguer our potential but we must also be watchful for indirect hinderance on the whole of the masses
- Although easily forgotten, YES - It Really Does Matter
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Does It Really Even Matter? 9.0
The key to difference and acceptance is humanity itself. One relies on the desperate visual crutch but should strive to rely on a deeper more fluid wave of manipulation through eyes that don't belong to oneself but belong to the masses. Selfish views are seldom appreciated and often underestimated for the power they hold in creating a society of self achieving, self aware, self loving homosapiens.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Does It Really Even Matter? 8.0
An inefficient use of size and space does conjure up similarities to the sprinkled usage of our allotted conscious eras. Or with another composition - the feeble ways we manipulate our presence to actualize what is really desired.
And as seen in the paths of the water evading and contracting into indirect methods of downstream flow, you can at least marvel in the beauty of its variance and discovery along its uncommon way.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Does It Really Even Matter? 7.2
Creation is subjective and almost irrelevant when you consider the power of mind and grey matter. One's tune can yield nothing or everything it just depends on the model of your proverbial gramaphone.
Does It Really Even Matter? 6.0*
So in anticipated sorts do we find ourselves in.
With freedom and fortune (yet) with a sense of solitude and entitlement - we stray. Parallel tunes may yield common results but not when we color outside of the lines we have not yet created.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Does It Really Even Matter? 5.0
Your capricious style is noted and appreciated especially the usage of imagery and folklore. Upon the doubts of several generations one cannot deduce a level playing field here. Much sooner can one estimate the direction of their path, then their demise. Escape is nary a solution when the source of drive, inhabits one's mind.
An image chants many a phrase.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Does It Really Even Matter? 4.7
Quite a literal splash tucked inside an evident soap box of pandemonium. I concur but in much more subtle ways.
And so I surmise: Is this the answer we speak of ?

Sunday, February 28, 2010
Does It Really Even Matter? 4.0
I find it so bazaar that the participants of the narrow path, a.k.a. the “straight and narrow” actually refer to it as such. They are stating out loud the very nature of life's greatest ironies. The narrow path while alluded to as the path taken when someone finally "settles down" is exactly that. It's the path that people fall onto when they've finally let go of their true destinies, dreams, and callings; the path that leads to redundant and only sometimes rewarding lives. I propose a toast to those never settle because the very act of settling is the act of ceasing the adventure of life.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Does It Really Even Matter? 3.0
Careful with the exuberance (or lackthereof) - it can misquote the promises of the day.
What matters most in these straight and narrow paths are what usually matter the least. But who is one to parlay rational scales to irrational thoughts? Instead, we can start from the final scenes (of epic proportions) and work towards them, conjuring up parallel lines that flirt with disaster yet maintain an allure to gravity. Sure the harlots of our perils may scream, but the potential will make them reconsider
What matters most in these straight and narrow paths are what usually matter the least. But who is one to parlay rational scales to irrational thoughts? Instead, we can start from the final scenes (of epic proportions) and work towards them, conjuring up parallel lines that flirt with disaster yet maintain an allure to gravity. Sure the harlots of our perils may scream, but the potential will make them reconsider
Does It Really Even Matter? 2.0
Before truly understanding the power of space and existence one must consider what cannot be seen...the darkness of doubt and negativity...the debilitating roughness of doom. Only then can one surmise what truly matters and determine the link and pathway to providence. With this I lead you to a place you strive to avoid, a hole you jump over carefully everyday.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Does it Really Even Matter? 1.0
...an allusion to a beginning with no end (and more confusion) .....the perfect link to intrigue and destiny!
Clear divisions mark the metaphorical paths to which nobody lays claim. To which is where and when is what is but nothing of silent unknowns. But curvy lengths and twisted ties may bring them forth to common ground. But chance is less than a categorical truth and lays bare to the question of:
Does it really even matter?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Are You Attending? 10.0
The pronoun roller coaster you take me on is nauseating yet adventurous. The truth in our identity can only be understood by one's self and therefore is not truth at all. Because what one perceives is what one believes. Therefore after this exploratory experience of truths and untruths, I have come to a final conclusion.
Yes I Am Attending!
But be careful what you wish for, because this torrential downpour has only just begun...
Yes I Am Attending!
But be careful what you wish for, because this torrential downpour has only just begun...
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Are You Attending? 9.0+
Oh how clever the congruencies you have found! A sly misdirection of focus but a direction nonetheless! A wanton tragedy befalls no number of sunny eras or rhyming rhythms in the sequence of all that is true.
Hence I will put forth an opportunity to have a look at Me. Not me (and dare I say 'you') per-se, but the idea of me as oneself. Observe my fickle fascination with the space 'I' inhabit and the aptitude 'I' place on instilling footprints into the embodiment of my encounters. It may be what moves Me forward in a slipstream world, yet what hinders the flowing congregations.
And one can only begin to wonder the importance (after 'I' am examined). Because 'I' am one of many. And there are many more to come.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Are You Attending? 8.0
Well, enough about me! It is upon the precipice of knowledge and an undeserved sense of entitlement that we share our views of innate brilliance. To think that power and affluence are foreign is to deny the existence of the two thumbs affixed to our hands. Let us suffice it to say that Shakespearean notions of vagary and melancholy do nothing for the progression of the so called society in which our presence floats.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Are You Attending? 7.0
Irrevocable decisions and actions may stay grounded in the soil that is common to those that have succumbed to such a frame of mind.
However, please be aware and prepared to embrace those who salvage c l e a n slates as a result of simple paradigm shifts. Their toasts will have the potential to fragment minds and knowledge into bouts of:
- Fresh perspectives and
- Unrelinquished beauty
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Are You Attending? 6.0
Your inspirational verbiage is tied down with devilish glee whereupon no man can stand the notion of resurrection to something of great and more mystical accomplishment. It's upon these tiers and steps towards a moatless castle of drowned determination and suicidal societies that I bring forward a fresh thought of arrogance and snobbery to the forefront. Let us raise a glass to the self imposed truths!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Are You Attending? 5.0
But in a campagin to build a true inspiring nature, an aforementioned notion of innate ability will need to transcend species, time and space to erase this formulaic past. Formulations exist, yes, but lack the equivocal foundations from which true epiphanies are born.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Are You Attending? 4.0
I thoroughly disagree with your rogue implications of dynasty and beauty. The tactics of lifelong serenity do not measure the stripe of your existence upon the breath of my proverbial ocean.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Are You Attending? 3.0
But your nature is unruly and ultimately unjustified in an undeclared existence. The freedom from the nebulua of this reality will not partake until we pile through the sonic waves and distortion and create an ultraviolet dimension.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Are You Attending? 2.0
I can’t say whether or not I can make it
I can’t say whether or not I will be in existence at the time
The unknowns in this situation are overwhelming and therefore driving me to tentatively accept as I am thoroughly unsure of my attendance at this event.
I can’t say whether or not I will be in existence at the time
The unknowns in this situation are overwhelming and therefore driving me to tentatively accept as I am thoroughly unsure of my attendance at this event.
Are You Attending? 1.0
Place: The Ends of the Universe
When: Nobody really knows
Subject: Profound Inconclusions
When: Nobody really knows
Subject: Profound Inconclusions
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